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Benjamin Thomson
Web & UX Designer

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we pray for you

Sooner or later, we ALL need help…

Welcome to the Prayer Line, New Zealand’s 24/7 Prayer Service.

The Prayer Line service is available to anyone – you may not belong to a particular church or faith, in fact, you may not have a strong belief/faith in God. When you call, you will be talking with someone who knows God’s will in prayer for your situation. They can pray, believe with you, and for you. (1 John 5:14-15 This is the confidence we have in approaching God: that if we ask anything according to his will, he hears us. And if we know that he hears us—whatever we ask—we know that we have what we asked of him.)

All calls to The Prayer Line are completely anonymous – and you only share the information you feel comfortable with. There’s no pressure on your part. One of our team members can hear and pray with you and if you would prefer you can email us at

We are just a phone call away.

If you would like prayer now, or feeling helpless about your situation, you can call… 

0800 50 80 80

we pray for you

Prayer does work…

“How can I thank God enough?

How can I thank Him enough for what He has done for me and my son? We have got a home now, and my son has been delivered from drugs. Thank you all so much for your prayers and for walking with me during hard times. Thank you so much for your service. God is GOOD!”

“I thought I had done everything I could…

Calling the line, and connecting to someone, I really felt and believed God took up my burden – and all because of someone else’s faith in the prayer they prayed over me. It’s amazing – thank you again.”

“Up from rock bottom…

I lost my job, and it was my own fault. Two days ago, I asked for prayer. And then my former supervisor gave me a positive verbal reference! I start my new job on Monday, so thank you again… it was your prayer that did it.”

“The trauma is over…

I asked the prayer team to pray for my sister-in-law who was continuously bleeding during her pregnancy. Well, Abigail-Rose arrived safe and healthy and is a great healer for her traumatized parents. Please pass on to the team this wonderful outcome from the power of prayer.”

If you would like prayer and want to talk to someone, we are here…

0800 50 80 80

we pray for you

Start the conversation…

The Prayer Line has prayer teams around the country, ready to take your call.
You can talk live to a team member 7 am -Midnight Mon-Sun

You are welcome to send your request NOW as we pray with you and for you. If you cannot get through please leave a request/email for our servants.

Our call/message center and email service are available 24/7, every day of the year.

    If you would like prayer now, or simply want to talk to someone…

    0800 50 80 80

    we pray for you

    Why do we need The Prayer Line?

    There are always times in life when you don’t know where to turn to, who to talk to and you are desperate for an answer and in need of prayer. It may be something you don’t want to share with anyone and just want someone to stand with and for you in prayer. NZ Prayerline is right here with servants who are ready to stand, believe, encourage and pray for and with you.

    Again, truly I tell you, if two of you agree on earth about anything you ask, it will be done for you by my Father in heaven” (Matthew 18:18-19).

    “I believe prayer is one of the most important things we can do. We connect with God – We let Him know about the request, we communicate what He has already promised, and allow Him to move and do in ways only He can as He knows and does it best. (1 John 5:14)

    “And We’ve seen so many lives changed. You talk, We listen. You cry, We hear. You ask, He answers.”  Prayerline is here to help facilitate & bring awareness of God’s will for your request and power of Prayer in lives. 

    How do I donate?

    The Prayer Line is a free service, and always will be. When you make a donation, you contribute to the running costs that help us bring faith and hope into the lives of callers from all over New Zealand.

    To support the work of The Prayer Line, simply deposit any amount you wish into our account… ANZ Account Number: 010242 0099293-00 Reference: (Your name)

    If you would like a receipt for your donation, please email us with your details…

    Email address:,

    Once again, thank you so much for helping us put people in touch with the ANSWER in keeping this line operational… and free!

    If you would like help with someone to share with, we are here to help by praying God’s will into it.

    0800 50 80 80

    15 Thoughts on New Zealand Christian Prayerline
      Denise J
      25 Jun 2023

      Hello Prayerline
      I just wanted to update you and let you know the prayers for me have been answered.
      In the third week of May, my daughters and I moved into a lovely home, it’s perfect for us and amazingly the landlord even lowered the rent to a more affordable rate for me. I believe it is a testimony to the power of prayer. I am grateful beyond words for the blessings I have received and the feeling of gradually healing, and mostly grateful for a renewed connection to God.
      Thank you and the team for your prayers.

      Tonimata L
      25 Mar 2023

      THANK YOU for your prayers…praise God for answered prayer :-). It’s hell different feeling the new norm of being out of bondage. yes finally free from codeine drug which wrecked me, my fam for years. I don’t know how to say thank you, thank you Jesus!
      I’m very grateful. I never believed in prayers until that woman prayed after powerful talk about the Bible…i would like to shake your hand whoever you are! thank you..

      George T
      20 Mar 2023

      Thank you so much.
      I have been ringing for help with my mental health. Had panic attacks
      You shared some scriptures which I wrote down and read everyday over me as you said.
      I now know there’s power in His Word! You prayed scripture and it works.
      I know what the Peace of God that surpasses all understanding feels like.
      I’m healing very well, no more panic attacks feeling His peace
      I would never want what I went through to happen to anyone but sadly in this broken world. Pray others like me find this page and reach out. I am helped!
      Thank you Jesus!

      Ted Fin
      28 Jan 2023

      I wanted to say thank you so much for being there when I was at the end of it. I was really down, especially having lost my job and then my 4 year relationship break up. I was devastated and felt hopeless. I somehow googled for helpline and your number came up. I called and I was relieved someone answered. I don’t know what it was, but I felt this warm feeling came over me as the lady on the other side was praying. I felt myself in tears, it was a feeling that I couldn’t explain but one thing I knew it was the most comforting warming feeling. To this day I don’t know what that was, but i knew that prayer saved me from doing something to myself. Thank you, thank you so much. I have a sense now that God up there somewhere is real!

      Debby S
      20 Jan 2023

      thank you prayerline. Knowing yous are there, is a comfort when i needed prayer. Each time I call i get encouraged. Thank you

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